Use "passer|passers" in a sentence

1. Passers-by gave her a wide berth.

2. He's shot passers-by before now.

3. Ever of lover, now the passers-by.

4. Several passers-by were killed by blast.

5. Slang) They sat making Cheeky comments about passers-by

6. Innocent passers-by got caught up in the riots.

7. The demonstrators distributed leaflets to passers-by.

8. Every passer-by envied them two very much .

9. Several passers-by were killed in the ambush.

10. 8 A passer-by called the emergency services .

11. He had to beg food from passers-by.

12. 3 Demonstrators handed out leaflets to passers-by.

13. A drunk in the station was haranguing passers-by.

14. You ask a passer-by for directions to the Americana Hotel.

15. Enough culling, embrace the passers-by, defend the pregnant.

16. We got a number of curious looks from passers-by.

17. Faire de la Confiture ? Vous n'allez plus pouvoir vous en passer

18. We received a number of curious stares from passers-by.

19. I had to restrain her from hitting out at passers-by.

20. 5 On the next play, Cal was flagged for roughing the passer.

21. There were beggars everywhere, pathetically stretching their hands out to passers - by.

22. Passers-by just looked on as a man was viciously attacked.

23. The Beggar sat in the subway, holding his bowl out towards passers-by

24. 21 Situations are staged and the reactions of unwitting passers - by are filmed.

25. 15 synonyms for Bystander: onlooker, passer-by, spectator, witness, observer, viewer, looker-on

26. I Seniorshop har vi mange forskellige typer Bandager, som passer til de fleste behov

27. Passers-by glanced sympathetically at them, unsurprised by the funereal atmosphere of the gathering.

28. Desuden er det en god ide at vælge en Baldakin som passer til

29. In 2007 he beat a passer-by in the street and was jailed for few days.

30. 11 In that case, the hostess of a club selling non-alcoholic beverages importuned three passers by.

31. 22 Proctor was hit in the pocket by Matt Milner, who was penalized for roughing the passer.

32. Once outside, she stood uncertainly for a moment, oblivious to the curious glances of passers-by.

33. 8 Passers-by glanced sympathetically at them, unsurprised by the funereal atmosphere of the gathering.

34. However, January did produce one legendary performance, on the rooftop of Apple, to the delight of passers-by.

35. Baldakin, der anvendes til overdækning af yderdøre og passer til de fleste hustyper

36. Au risque de passer pour hargneuse je veux bien Assumer, je ne vais pas me la coincer

37. And the people running this particular roadblock were teen-age guerrillas robbing passers-by and stealing cars.

38. 30 Her booming voice, very frightening to children, was usually occupied in gossiping to every passer-by.

39. 7 An Expert is a scientific diagnostician, a think tank, a knowledge passer and a model for maturing teachers.

40. Boody passer naturligt til din hverdag med de blødeste og mest komfortable basics til din garderobe

41. Neighbours and passers-by poured compliments on his handiwork, and even the local council's parks department were impressed.

42. Creator is a 1985 film directed by Ivan Passer, starring Peter O'Toole, Vincent Spano, Mariel Hemingway, and Virginia Madsen

43. Cleavers is a creeping plant with tiny hairs, clinging leaves, and sticky seeds that cling to passers-by

44. Delintegreret eller helintegreret Autocamper – eller en alkove‐model? Hos Knaus finder du præcis den vogn, der passer dig

45. This time rookie Chase Young committed a Boneheaded roughing the passer penalty to set up the Detroit Lions Matt Prater

46. An occasion when a person or group of people are Ambushed: Several passers-by were killed in the ambush

47. These protesters pitch tents, unfurl banners filled with political slogans and quietly pass out literature to passers-by.

48. This cashier does not know it, but she has just accepted a counterfeit bill from a professional passer of bad money.

49. We don't need to meet again for we are just passers by.To forget is the best commemoration for each other.

50. Police have planned a reconstruction of the crime tomorrow in the hope this will jog the memory of passers-by.

51. In the churchyard a massive rhododendron bush provides a vivid splash of mauve to churchgoers and passers-by during the early summer.

52. 3 The shutters were firmly closed at the ticket booth, the waxwork policemen staring with sightless eyes at passers-by.

53. (street musician) músico callejero, música callejera nm, nf + adj : Passers-by tossed coins into the Busker's hat

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55. St Agatha was lifted from the sofa and stationed at the window in a bridal veil, to the electrification of passers-by.

56. G29 og G920: Ratt, pedaler og girskifter passer perfekt i Cockpitene i Playseat®-racersimulering og gjør dem enda mer virkelighetstro.

57. An Assist can be scored for the passer even if the player who receives the pass makes a basket after dribbling the ball

58. 14 The living-room windows have net curtains which let in sunlight but stop passers-by looking in from the street.

59. And they were glazed with opaque white glass so that the patients couldn't see out either, nor passers-by see in.

60. Scraps of songs came out of his mouth as he skipped along, twirling his stick and tipping his turban to passers-by.

61. Dans cette vidéo , je parle des Coiffeurs et de tout ce qui peut se passer dans un salon de coiffeur

62. The Rue Veuve Saint Roch was thronged with a mass of Affrighted passers-by, who came from the Boulevards flying rather than walking.

63. A pile of men's photos and underpants came flying out of the window of her eighth floor apartment and landed on passers-by."

64. An animated reading by the author of " Tricot sacré et autres text'îles pour passer l'hiver au chaud" who will be accompanied by Gabi Macaluso, accordionist.

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66. And in August, high in air, the beautiful and bountiful horse- chestnuts, candelabra - wise, proffer the passer- by their tapering upright cones of congregated blossoms.

67. In the churchyard a massive rhododendron bush provides a vivid splash of mauve to churchgoers and passers-by during the early summer.

68. But the passers-by from whom he Cadges cigarettes know him, and if you know Marshall Willoughby even in passing, you know he has a …

69. 6- En passant la commande vous Attestez d accepter nos conditions 7- Apres avoir passer commande contactez nous pour recevoir vos identifiants au : [email protected]: ENGLISH

70. Merano is known for its shady central Arcades with their tempting shops and boutiques, cool, quiet walks along the river Passirio/Passer and its numerous historic sights.

71. Cleavers is a common annual weed native to hedgerows, scrub and arable land, which can spread to gardens on the fur of animals and clothing of passers-by

72. David Johnson, also known as the World Famous Bushman, is a busker who scares passers-by along Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, active since 1980

73. Hvilken Autocamper skal du købe? Det kan være svært at vælge den camper, der lige passer til jer

74. Having busked on Hollywood Boulevard, and Balladeered in Berlin, she can turn a growly Nirvana song into a heartbreaker, and a passer-by into a cheeky accomplice.

75. Up to 5% cash back  · G29 og G920-ratt, pedaler og girskifter passer perfekt i Cockpitene i Playseat®-racersimulering og gjør dem enda mer virkelighetstro

76. Omnia retibus diaboli plena sunt, quibus Capereris, nisi quia sponsus subjecit se retibus mundi qui eminenter, et conscindens viam faceret, ut dicas: Anima nostra sicut passer erepta est de laqueo venantium Psal

77. Colic relievers come in several different forms – from probiotics and gripe waters to rectal "gas passers." Liquid Colic relievers usually come in 2-ounce bottles with a dropper or oral syringe

78. (street musician) musicista di strada nm sostantivo maschile: Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere maschile: medico, gatto, strumento, assegno, dolore : Passers-by tossed coins into the Busker's hat

79. 21 With his hair in disorder, and without his hat, he ran along the street as never man Was seen to run before, overturning passers-by, rushing over the sidewalk like a waterspout .

80. He is constantly asking passers-by to sell him something with "C." This implies that Link can sell him objects he stores in bottles using the C buttons while talking to the Beggar.